sis of chanecrere are two types ofhusiness regismtin certifcale, mmely l-year certifcate and 3-year certificale Fxcent for the fist registration certificae of local compinies hin the one-stop company and busines egistration, the amount payable under a cerificate depends on the comxncememt dat of the egistration certifcate.For asines oter than a local campany, the commecement dnte of its firs registration certifcate is its date of commenement of busnes, nat the dhnte of applicatiobaness ar brnch resistratian
ir loeal companies aling within the one- sop ompany and buines retstration, the amounl payable for the firsd teg;sition cerhificate depends on the date of makinaed incorporalion submission to the (ompanies egistry and the conmentemat date of the resrtion entifieate is the date of incorpration. For renewal of cctifee amount payable is determined by reference to the conmencement date of the releyant rencwal ccrtifieate.